Intuition or a background check?

When something seems too good to be true, it is usually too good to be true. A background check gives you more insight.
That certainly applies to a CV of an applicant. No person looking for a suitable job will put himself in a negative light, that goes without saying. Yet there is a difference between “polishing” a CV and inventing or twisting parts of the CV. Omitting relevant information can also have major consequences. With a background check you know in advance what kind of meat you have in the tub. Edelhardt Recherchebureau can carry out this investigation for you.

Welcome to our company!
As an employer you can rely to a large extent on intuition , but that is not enough for an application procedure. Before a contract is offered, it is important to be sure that the information provided by the applicant is correct. Fortunately that can be checked. In a background check we ask the following questions:
Is the future employee what you are looking for?
An A4 does not tell the whole story, a smooth chat can give the impression that an applicant is completely perfect for the vacancy. When a position needs to be filled quickly, the employer can sometimes run too fast and overlook details. The specialists at Edelhardt Recherchebureau keep a cool head and determine whether the future employee really matches the desired profile.
Has the future employee told everything?
Some people argue that withholding information is not the same as lying. Yet withholding relevant information can lead to major problems in the future. If there are gaps in the CV, these can be filled in by a background check . The person is also critically examined; Are there personal circumstances that make the candidate less suitable for the position?
Is the CV of the future employee correct?
Omitting relevant information is not the intention, deliberately providing incorrect information is usually an insurmountable problem. Most information on the CV is easy to test; which training the candidate has received, whether the student has actually graduated. Yet there are often inaccuracies and even untruths in the CV. Sometimes that is out of uncertainty, a way to give the CV a little more color, sometimes it is direct deception .
The background check immediately reveals whether the applicant is telling the truth.
Openness in background checks
It is advisable to indicate before the start of the application procedure that screening will take place. Certainly with a position in key positions this will not be a surprise for the applicant. A background check can also be beneficial in other positions . By clearly announcing in advance, for example in the advertisement. The fact that screening takes place has an immediate effect on the applications. Some job seekers who are not suitable for the position immediately drop out, other will think twice before placing a bullet point on their resume.
We are happy to explain how a background check works, contact Edelhardt Recherchebureau for more information.