Company Fraud / Company Investigation


Prevent business fraud with company investigations

You lead on the basis of trust, employees and colleagues are challenged to take responsibility for their work and obligations. In most cases this approach works, unfortunately there is a small percentage of employees who abuse this situation. The step from responsible behavior to corporate fraud is unthinkable for most people, it is the exception to the rule that causes problems. Security makes collaboration and delegation a lot easier, and makes employees more productive. Prevent business fraud within your organization. Our company investigators are happy to help you.

Trust is the basis

When investigating business fraud , trust can quickly turn into distrust; it is important that every fraud investigation is conducted within the company in a delicate manner. There are various forms of corporate fraud that can lead to major financial consequences for you as an employer.


  • Absence From Work

    Employees do not perform their duties and waste valuable time. This can take place both at external locations and at the office. In addition to the loss of productive hours, it can lead to
    deadlines being exceeded, which can have a knock-on effect.

  • Sickness Absence

    Most employees prefer to be in their workplace than sick in bed. You do not want to play a police officer if the employee already feels bad. Unfortunately, some employees abuse this situation , minimizing sickness absence can save high medical costs.

  • Theft Of Supplies

    Inventory management must be accurately tracked. The entire inventory must be registered and checked. Don’t leave this responsibility to one person or department. Prevent theft of stocks and avoid confusion in the warehouse.

  • Theft Of Data

    Cyber ​​Security is getting more and more attention, especially with a view to corporate fraud . Every system must be secure, access must be arranged on an individual level and correct encryption is of vital importance for every organization.

  • Corruption

    The starting point for a well-functioning company is always trust. Still, a rotten apple can be in the bowl. By carrying out the correct checks, corruption can be detected quickly and subtly.

  • Company Investigation

    Setting up a team internally to detect corporate fraud prevents (premature) leakage of sensitive information . It makes the company a safe and comfortable place for all employees when properly implemented. Our corporate investigation department is happy to provide solutions.

Prevent Business Fraud

Business fraud can occur in every department and at every level of your organization. The size of the company plays no role in this. The corporate investigation department of Edelhardt Criminal Investigation Office uses various investigation methods. By using the right method in the right situation, corporate fraud can be detected and demonstrated with a high degree of certainty. In addition, it is crucial to collect and secure evidence. When an investigation leads to a declaration it is important to follow the correct procedures and to collect and document the evidence according to protocol. Examples of three methodologies that are applied byEdelhardt Investigation Agency:

  1. Administrative investigation: Is all data correct and is it stored and archived correctly?
  2. Observation and control of employees: It goes without saying that every form of observation and control is carried out in a subtle way.
  3. Conversations with suspects: Entering into a dialogue with a suspect must be tactful. Confidence cannot turn into distrust, especially when the suspect turns out to be innocent after a conversation.

Innovative Fraud Detection

Edelhardt Recherchebureau applies the most advanced techniques and methodologies in the investigation of corporate fraud . Give your employees and colleagues a working environment where trust and personal responsibility are part of the company’s DNA. This will not only lead to higher productivity, it will also have a positive influence on the morality of all employees.